Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I blog in my head.

I do. Really. In fact, it has been 19 days since I first began this blog, and all it consisted of was the title of this post. This is because I have been pondering the idea of a blog for so long that it began to seem almost a bit too overwhelming. I've blogged in my head while driving; I've done it in the shower. I'm hoping that I can give myself a bit of a break by actually putting it down here, but we shall see.

You see, I read so many good blogs, and I am consistently impressed with the quality of their writing. I often go to the first posts on those blogs, and it's interesting to see the ways in which they have progressed. Progress is great, and I look forward to that, but part of me also feels as if this first post should be momentous. But really, I'm building it up too much, as I do often. And so, I find myself almost done, and lacking in content. Oh well!

You can look forward, in theory, to a little bit of fashion, and a fair amount of me. (An aside-- to whom, exactly, am I speaking? [Writing?] That's part of the trouble of this; the unknown nature of my audience. I suppose, if you find yourself here... Welcome.) Alright... enough now.

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